Wednesday Goals


Great job yesterday being focused and sticking to the goals! if you did not finish yesterdays work please make sure you do that today as well as today's tasks!

For today you will spend time doing some research so that you can complete the food web and the engineering design problem. Tomorrow will be your last day in the computer lab to finish any typing and research then Friday you will put the report together.

So here are your goals for today:

1. Finish typing all introduction, field observation notes and data table..
2. Look at the engineering problem and begin the research for this.
        - State the problem
        - Research the problem
        - Suggest 2 possible ideas
        - Make a proposal to solve the problem

Bring your journal to the computer lab so you can record your research.

Period 3 did the research so you can build a food web! you will find the information with all the other documents under the Frog Pond Ecosystem tab.

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