The room has a loud buzz of activity as the teams prepare their egg drop devices. i have provided basic materials from which everyone can build an egg drop system. You can bring extra materials from home if you like.

Today we worked on

Tomorrow you will be building the parachute and devise and will draw the diagram of the investigation set up and write the procedures.
Force diagram using arrows to represent relative amounts of force.
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We are ready to apply all our knowledge of forces to a practical application THE EGG DROP!

Here is the question we are investigation....

How does the ________ affect the time of the drop?

The goal then is to drop an egg in a container from a height and to slow the time of drop so the egg lands safely on the ground with minimal force applied to it. The egg has to be able to be removed from the container with ease and should be intact on inspection. We looking for the best parachute that can do this job. What are its attributes?

Examples of changed variables;

Size of parachute, shape of parachute, type of material it is made from, what otherways can you think of to change the parachute?

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With no power in the building we are being creative in our work today!
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How does the mass of a sphere affect how fast the sphere falls?

After figuring out how to measure the force of gravity we spend the rest  of our lesson discussing this question. The most common hypothesis was:

The greater the mass of the sphere the faster it will fall because gravity pulls more on a heavier object.

What do you think?
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What a great day today! I felt like most of you were converant in forces and how they impact the motion of an object. look at the diagram on slide 2 of the pdf. period 2 did a great job identifying as many forces as they could and using the force arrows to show the forces exerted.
Make sure you keep the little review sheet safe. you will need this when we begin to study for the  test next week.

Take a look at the sliding Cars in Seattle Video. What forces do you see at work?
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Net Force


We compared pay day to forces in our discussion of net force!

The most complex idea was that of a wall pushing back on the cart in the example below.

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Today was the last day to work on the investigation write-up. You had the opportunity to turn in your work today or on Tuesday.

We spent some time today researching friction and what the scientists say about friction. We then related what we saw in investagtion to this research to explain why our materials behaved the way we did. Today was also the opportunity to finish the rough draft of the write up. Tomorrow will be the second computer lab day to finish typing the investigation.
Due: friday 1/13 or Tuesday Morning 1/17
Take a look at Hamish's  paper. This is a great example of a professional piece of work. (If you are not able to do the graph or diagram on the computer leave space to draw them)
This is a good example of a professional investigation write up.
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We spent our time today learning how to write up a science lab investigation. First we opened a new word document and saved it to a new folder named 'Science'.  After creating a word document we then formatted it to my specifications for a lab write up. We will spemd today and Friday in the lab. At the end of Friday you should have completed the lab write up with all the required sections including diagrams and graphs. On Thursday we are looking a little more about the science of friction to help you write your discussion of results.
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Today we ran trials for the friction lab. Take a look at the video below for the most unusual surface!
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