Carbon Footprint


Today you will calculate your carbon footprint. Taking this quiz will calculate the amount of Carbon you emit into the atmosphere through your daily activities. More importantly the carbon calculator will give you ideas on how to reduce your carbon emissions and at the same time save money on your household bills!!

As you take the quiz please note that these calculators are from the united Kingdom and so where it asks if you go on holiday make sure you reverse your thinking! If you stay home you go to the UK and if you travel oversees you will go to the US!

Repeat the quiz while reducing one aspect of the calculation and see what impact this has on your carbon foot print.

Record your initial carbon footprint and a new one having reduced one activity.

Greenhouse gases


Today we explored the role of carbon in the greenhouse gases. We also looked at the importance of the greenhouse gases in keeping our planet warm and issues that might occur if the planet is too warm.

Tomorrow is field day so be sure to turn in your late Frog pond report if you are wanting to attend the field day.

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Proposal from Dakota McFall

How exciting to hear all your proposals for improving the dissolved oxygen content!

Here is a summary of your ideas:

1. Add more  plants to the pond . They release oxygen as a bi product of photosynthesis.
2. Construct a spray area in the pond. Breaks the surface tension of the water so allowing oxygen in.
3. Bubble rock as you see in an aquarium.
4. Build a water fall. When  water splashes on to the surface it introduces oxygen into the water.
5. Remove the dead matter from the pond which reduces the amount of bacteria in the pond which uses the oxygen.
6. Add ice to the pond to cool the water and so increasing dissolved oxygen