look at your investigation question.... will it fit the sentance frame..........

How does________________ affect ___________________ ?

Introduction: For this section,
  • Explain why you chose the topic for your science fair project. 
  • State your purpose for the project. How does this investigation have scienctific value?
  • Summerize your research related to this topic.




Q. Do I have to do this?
A. Yes this is a part of your curriculum and part of your grade.

Q. Can I work with a partner?
A. Yes with your parents permission but just groups of 2!

Q. Can I do a project  "Why is the Sky Blue?"
A. no this is a research question. Your question needs to look at how a MV affects a RV! A controlled investigation.

Today I am handing out the flyer that you MUST have signed by an adult at home. This paper gives a brief overview of the expectations for the science fair. there is also a space to write your proposed question. This sheet is due back in school on Wednesday February 29th.
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Your flyer should look like this. The bottom half is a sign up  section (that is missing from this image!) and must be completed by wednesday February 29th.